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  • The display of the panels on your dashboard depends on the area that you may have selected to be shown. To view the panels assigned to all areas (upper, middle, and lower), click the Dashboard layout icon (Dashboard layout icon), and then select the Show checkbox next to each area. If you want to save your changes for the dashboard, click the Save changes icon (Save changes icon).
    Dashboard Layout Opened
  • The statistics in a panel are refreshed every five seconds as indicated by the movement of the Refresh icon (Image Added) in the panel.
  • You can modify the position of the panels on a dashboard by dragging them to where you want them within the window.
  • You can define how you want the statistics to be displayed (percentages, values, or both) by using gear icon.
  • In a panel displaying a grid, if applicable, you can expand the rows in the first column by using expand icon.
    Expand Rows
  • You can sort the rows in a table in ascending or descending order based on a column by clicking the column.
  • You can display or hide certain columns in a table on a panel. To do so:
    1. Hover over any column in the table, and then select the drop-down menu.
      The Columns menu displaying a checkbox next to each column appears.
      Columns menu
    2. If you do not want a column to be displayed in the table, clear the checkbox next to the column. Otherwise, select the checkbox.


  • Default SLAs: Also called client SLAs, these SLAs apply to each dashboard and each user of the dashboard. Default SLAs can be defined only for real-time statistics.
  • Panel-Level SLAs: These SLAs are specific to a panel on a dashboard. When you design a panel, you can define SLAs for historical or real-time statistics. However, for a parameter, the default SLAs take precedence over the panel-level SLAs unless you select the Override checkbox for the parameter when defining its panel-level SLA. 


    For information about how to define panel-level SLAs, see the Designing a Dashboard and Panel section (Step 11).

How SLA Violations


Are Indicated

When an SLA is violated (that is, when a statistic parameter exceeds the specified limits):

  • A sound (alarm) is played briefly.
  • A notification indicating in which panel the violation has occurred appears on the dashboard.
    Dashboard Alert
  • A flashing banner appears in the panel in which the violation has occurred. Depending on the panel view (for example, grid or pie chart), the panel in which the violation occurred highlights the problematic values in red.
    Grid Alert


    In a panel displaying a speedometer, the chart is divided into three sectors based on SLAs. The needle that appears in the speedometer indicates if the SLAs are violated. The sectors are displayed in the following colors:

    • Green: This sector ends at 80% of the SLA limit. A needle in this sector indicates that no violation has occurred or is likely to occur.
    • Orange: This sector begins at 80% of the SLA limit. A needle in this sector indicates a warning (that is, a violation is likely to occur).
    • Red: This sector ends at 20% of the SLA limit. A needle in this sector indicates that a violation has occurred.
      Speedometer Alert


SubjectStatistic TypeStatisticParameterDescription
Agencies, call centers, and services


Call countsAbandoned calls above service level threshold

Total number of calls that failed to be transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration greater than your service level limit.

Abandoned calls below service level threshold

Total number of calls that failed to be transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration less than your service level limit.

Accounts attemptedTotal number of unique account numbers that were attempted to be contacted.
Calls attemptedTotal number of attempted calls.
ConnectedTotal number of connected calls.
Failed operator transfersTotal number of calls for which operator transfer failed.
In person
Promise to pay calls

Total number of calls in which customers agreed to pay a certain amount of money (for example, when a payment had been overdue).

Right party contactsTotal number of calls that were made to the intended party. 
Wrong party contacts

Total number of calls that were made to the unintended party. 

Successful calls above service level threshold

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration greater than your service level limit.

Successful calls below service level threshold

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration less than your service level limit.

Successful operator transfers

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator.

Total inbound callsTotal number of inbound (mobile originated) calls.
State durations

Average abandon time

Average time that your customers waited in the queue before abandoning calls.

Average delay

Average time that your customers spent interacting with the IVR (Interactive Voice Response).

Average handle time

Average time that your agents spent handling calls from start to finish (including wrap-up time).

Average in call time

Average time that your agents spent on calls.

Average ready timeAverage time that your agents were ready to place or receive calls (Ready state).
Average talk time

Average time that your agents spent talking to customers. This does not include hold or wrap-up time.

Average wrap up time

Average time that your agents spent wrapping up calls.

Hold time

Total time that your customers are placed on hold by agents during calls.

In call time

Total time that your agents spent on calls talking to customers.

IVR time

Total time that your customers spent interacting with the IVR before they were connected to an agent.

Not ready timeTotal time that your agents were not ready to place or receive calls (Not Ready state).
Preview dial time

Total time that your agents spent previewing the dial options. 


The preview dial options include dialing the number that is offered in the Preview Dialing window, skipping the number and moving to the next account, and manually dialing a different number.

Ready timeTotal time that your agents were ready to place or receive calls (Ready state).
Right party in call time

Total time that your agents spent on calls with the intended party.

Right party wrap up time

Total time that your agents spent wrapping up calls with the intended party.

Total time logged inTotal time that your agents were signed in.
Transfer timeTotal time that your agents spent transferring calls.
Wrap up time

Total time that your agents spent wrapping up calls (Wrap Up state).

NoneConversion rate

Average number of promise-to-pay calls against the right party contacts.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent)

Average time that your agents spent handling calls from start to finish (including wrap-up time) against a 6.5-hour workday.

Occupancy rate

Total time that your agents spent handling calls against the total time that they were signed in.

Percent abandon rate

Average number of abandoned calls below service level limit against the number of offered contacts.

Percent right party

Average number of calls that were made to the intended party against the number of offered contacts.

Percent service level

Average of the sum of the total abandoned calls below service level limit and total successful calls below service level limit against the number of handled contacts.

AgentsNoneCalls handledTotal number of calls handled by your agents, from start to finish.
Inbound callsTotal number of inbound (mobile originated) calls.
Outbound callsTotal number of outbound (mobile terminated) calls.
Total offeredTotal number of calls offered to your agents, which includes both handled calls and abandoned calls.
State durationsHold timeTotal time that your customers are placed on hold by agents during calls.
In call timeTotal time that your agents spent on calls talking to customers.
Not ready timeTotal time that your agents were not ready to place or receive calls (Not Ready state).
Ready timeTotal time that your agents were ready to place or receive calls (Ready state).
Total time logged inTotal time that your agents were signed in.
Transfer timeTotal time that your agents spent transferring calls.
Wrap up timeTotal time that your agents spent wrapping up calls (Wrap Up state).
Agencies, call centers, and services


Call countsDialableTotal number of contacts that are loaded into your service and whose numbers can be dialed.


Total number of contacts that are loaded into the service.

Total number of dialable contacts whose numbers are remaining to be dialed.

Total abandoned

Total number of calls that customers disconnected (abandoned) before connecting to an agent.

Total calls abandoned within SLATotal number of calls that were abandoned by your customers within your service level limit.
Total calls answered within SLA

Total number of calls that were answered by your agents within your service-level limit.

Total handledTotal number of calls that your agents handled.
Total offered

Total number of calls that were offered to your agents. This includes both handled calls and abandoned calls.

DurationsAverage duration to abandon

Total time of abandoned calls against the total number of abandoned calls.

Average handle duration

Total time of handled calls against the total number of handled calls.

Average speed of answer

Total time taken for calls to be answered against the total number of handled calls.

Average talk duration

Total time that your agents spent talking to your customers against the total number of handled calls.

Average wrap up durationTotal time that your agents spent wrapping up calls against the total number of handled calls.
Current activityCalls with agentTotal number of calls that are currently with agents.
Outbound CIP

Total number of outbound calls that are currently in progress.

Total agentsTotal number of agents who are signed into the service.
Total calls in queueTotal number of calls that are waiting to be transferred to an agent.
NoneAbandon rate

Total number of offered calls against the total number of abandoned calls.

Percentage completeTotal number of contacts whose numbers are remaining to be dialed against the total number of contacts whose numbers can be dialed.
Queue timeAverage time that calls were in the queue.
Service levelYour defined service level.

NoneCurrent activity

Agent login ID

Logon ID of the agent.

Call center ID

ID of the call center.

Call center name

Name of the call center.

Service ID

ID of the service.

Service name

Name of the service.

AccountAccount number of the customer.
Agent skillSkill that an agent has to attend to the customer.
Call typeType of call (inbound or outbound).
Is agent monitoredIndicates if an agent is being monitored.
PhonePhone number of the customer.
Reason code

Reason that an agent is not ready to place or receive calls.

Session IDSession ID for the call.
StateCurrent state of an agent.
State durationTotal time that an agent has spent in their current state.

Inbound callsTotal number of inbound (mobile originated) calls.
Outbound callsTotal number of outbound (mobile terminated) calls.
Total callsTotal number of all types of calls.

Wallboard in Agent Desktop

You can enable your agents to view the Wallboard on a U-CRM Agent Desktop by using the Fram element of Designer.

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