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You can create as many dashboards as you need.

Panel Views

When designing a panel, you can specify the view in which you want the panel to appear on the dashboard.
View Options in the Editor WindowImage Added

The following table contains an image as an example to represent each view.

Array (horizontal)

Horizontal ArrayImage Added

Array (vertical)

Vertical ArrayImage Added

Bar chart

Bar ChartImage Added

Column chart

Column ChartImage Added


Grid Image Added

Pie chart

Pie ChartImage Added


SpeedometerImage Added

Sunburst chart

Sunburst ChartImage Added

To create a dashboard and design its panel:



To create another panel for the dashboard, on the Panel menu, use the Add a panel to the selected dashboard icon ().
Panel Menu

Panel Views

When designing a panel, you can specify the view in which you want the panel to appear on the dashboard.
View Options in the Editor Window

The following table contains an image as an example to represent each view.


Horizontal ArrayImage Removed


Vertical ArrayImage Removed


Bar ChartImage Removed


Column ChartImage Removed


Grid Image Removed


Pie ChartImage Removed


SpeedometerImage Removed


Viewing a Dashboard and its Panels
