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SubjectStatistic TypeStatisiticParameterDefinition
Agencies, call centers, and services


Call countsAbandoned calls above service level threshold

Total number of calls that failed to be transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration greater than your service level threshold.

Abandoned calls below service level threshold

Total number of calls that failed to be transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration less than your service level threshold.

Accounts attemptedTotal number of unique account numbers that were attempted to be contacted.
Calls attemptedTotal number of calls that were attempted.
ConnectedTotal number of calls that were connected.
Failed operator transfersTotal number of calls for which operator transfer failed.
In person
Promise to pay calls

Total number of calls in which customers agree agreed to pay a certain amount of money (for example, when a payment is has been overdue).

Right party contactsTotal number of calls with a status in RPC_SUCCESS or RPC_NO_SUCCESS within the given interval.that were made to the intended party. 
Wrong party contacts

Total number of calls with a status not in RPC_SUCCESS or RPC_NO_SUCCESS within the given intervalthat were made to the unintended party. 

Successful calls above service level threshold

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration greater than your service level threshold.

Successful calls below service level threshold

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator with a transfer hold duration less than your service level threshold.

Successful operator transfers

Total number of calls that were transferred to an operator.

Total inbound callsTotal number of inbound (mobile originated) calls.
State durations

Average abandon time

Average time that your customers waited in the queue before abandoning calls.

Average delayAverage IVR time for the contacts offered to your agents.
Average handle time

Average time that your agents spent handling the complete interaction, calls from start to finish (including wrap-up time).

Average in call time

Average time that your agents spent on calls.

Average ready timeAverage time that your agents spent in the agents were ready to place or receive calls (Ready state).
Average talk time

Average time that your agents spent talking to customers. This does not include hold or wrap-up time.

Average wrap up time

Average time that your agents spent wrapping up calls and the total contacts handled within the given intervalcalls.

Hold time

Total time that your agents took to answer calls. That is, the total time that the calls were placed on hold.

In call time

Total time that your agents spent on calls talking to customers (In Call state).

IVR time

Total time that your customers spent before they were connected to an agent since they made the call.

Not ready timeTotal time that your agents were not ready to place or receive calls (Not Ready state).
Preview dial time

Total time that your agents spent in the preview dialing modepreviewing the dial options


This mode includes the option to dial The preview dial options include dialing the number that is offered in the Preview Dialing window, skip skipping the number and move moving to the next account, and manually dial dialing a different number.

Ready timeTotal time that your agents were ready to place or receive calls (Ready state).
Right party in call time

Total time that your agents spent on calls talking to customers (In Call state) for calls with a status in RPC_SUCCESS or RPC_NO_SUCCESScalls with the intended party.

Right party wrap up time

Total time that your agents spent wrapping up calls (Wrap Up state) for calls with a status in RPC_SUCCESS or RPC_NO_SUCCESScalls with the intended party.

Total time logged inTotal time that your agents were logged on to their Agent Desktop.
Transfer timeTotal time that your agents spent transferring calls.
Wrap up time

Total time that your agents spent wrapping up calls (Wrap Up state).

NonePercent service level

Average of the sum of the total abandoned calls below service level threshold and total successful calls below service level thresholdtotal successfull calls below service level threshold + total abandoned calls below service level threshold) for the contacts handled within the given interval.

Percent right party

The average of the total right party contacts and contacts offered within the given intervalPercentage of calls where your agents were able to connect with the intended person against the total number of attempted calls.

Percent abandon rate

The average Average of the total abandond abandoned calls below service level threshold and contacts offered within the given interval.

Conversion rate

The average Average of the total promise-to-pay calls and for the right party contacts within the given intervalcontacts.

Occupancy rate

Total time that your agents spent handling calls against the total time that they were logged on to their Agent Desktop.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent)

Average time that your agents spent handling calls from start to finish (including wrap-up time) against

The average of the total handle time and

a 6.5-hour

work day
