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Information Menu icon  (Information Menu icon)

Enables you to view information about LiveVox (including customer support) and the user guide.

User Menu icon  (User Menu icon)

Enables you to log out of Wallboard and view who is logged on to Wallboard.

Refresh all the panels (Refresh all the panels icon)

Enables you to refresh all the panels on the dashboard.

Dashboard layout (Dashboard layout icon)

Enables you to select the number of columns that you want to be displayed in the upper, middle, or lower area of the dashboard. The maximum number of columns that can be displayed in an area is five.

Fullscreen icon  (Fullscreen icon)

Enables you to hide the upper frame that displays the LiveVox logo and the Dashboard tab.


The table also contains the following icons:

  • Create a new dashboard (Create a New Dashboard iconImage Modified): Enables you to create a dashboard.
  • Rename the selected dashboard (Rename the selected dashboard iconImage Modified): Enables you to rename a dashboard.
  • Duplicate the selected dashboard (Duplicate the selected dashboard iconImage Modified): Enables you to copy a dashboard.
  • Delete the selected dashboard (Delete the selected dashboard iconImage Modified): Enables you to delete a dashboard.


    Before you can rename, copy, or delete a dashboard, you must select the dashboard on the Dashboard menu.


To display a dashboard on a screen for you or others to see (that is, to use a dashboard as a Wallboard), besides creatin a dashboard, you must configure the panels of the dashboard such that they can be easily viewed by the intended users (for example, agents or managers) at the intended places (for example, call centers). Such configuration also involves defining the font size and panel color as appropriate.

You can create as many dashboards as you need.

The following procedure describes how to create a dashboard and design its panel at the same time. You can, however, design a panel for a dashboard anytime.


You can create as many dashboards as you need.

To create a dashboard and design its panel:


  • Panel: Indicates the name of a panel.
  • Type: Indicates the type of view for a panel (for example, grid or array).
  • Subject: Indicates the subject used for the panel (for example, agents or services).
  • Statistics: Indicates the statistics used for the panel (for example, historical or real-time).
  • Interval: Indicates the interval used for the panel (for example, the day so far).
  • Sort: Indicates the type of sorting used for the entries in the panel.
