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  1. On the Dashboard menu, click Create a new dashboard icon (Create a New Dashboard icon).
    The New dashboard row appears in the Personal section.


    You can change the type of dashboard (shared or personal) anytime.

    A dashboard is created.

  2. Specify a name for the dashboard, and then click anywhere.


    You can rename the dashboard anytime.

    The New panel window appears.


    You can rename the panel anytime.

  3. Click the Edit this panel icon (Edit this panel icon).
    The Editor window appears. 

    • You can modify the font size and the frame color for the panel by using editor window gear icon.
    • The default view of the panel is a grid (with rows and columns). You can, however, change the view.
      View Options in the Editor Window


    The following steps in this procedure assume that you have retained the default view (Grid).

  4. On the Rows tab, click expand icon.
    The following options (subjects) appear:
    • Agencies, call centers and services
    • Agents
  5. Select the subject for which you want to display the metrics on the panel.
    Parameters related to the selected subject appear, each displaying a checkbox.
  6. Select the checkbox next to each parameter for which you want to display the metrics on the panel.


    To select all the parameters at once, select the checkbox next to the subject.

  7. On the Columns tab, click expand icon.
    The following options (statistics) appear:
    • Historical stats: Statistics for the last two hours.
    • Real-time context: Statistics in real time.
  8. Select the statistic for which you want to display the parameters on the panel.
    Parameters related to the selected statistic appear, each displaying a checkbox.


    To learn about a parameter, hover over it.

  9. Select the checkbox next to each parameter for which you want to display the metrics on the panel.


    To select all the parameters at once, select the checkbox next to the statistic.

  10. If you want to define the service-level agreement (SLA) values (limits) for the applicable parameters (based on which warnings and alerts are displayed):
    1. Click the SLA tab
      A table with the selected statistic parameters appears.
      SLA Tab
    2. In the row displaying the parameters for which you want to define SLA values, in the Too low and Too high columns, specify values in the Violation and Warning subcolumns.
    3. If you want the SLA values that you have defined for a parameter to take precedence over the default SLA values, select the Override checkbox in the row displaying that parameter.
  11. Click Apply.
    A preview of your changes appears in the New Panel window.

    • If a chart was displayed in the New Panel window, it is updated to reflect the SLA limits that you specified.
    • You can display the values in the panel as one of the following by using new panel window gear icon:
      • Percentages only
      • Values and percentages
      • Values only
    • You can revert all your changes (before you save them) by using the Undo pending edits icon (Undo pending edits icon).

  12. Click the Save changes icon (Save changes icon).
    Your changes are saved.
