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Table of Contents


LiveVox Wallboards are configurable dashboards that display key performance indicators related to your contact center volume (for inbound and outbound services) and agent or team  productivity. Wallboards can display real-time metrics for the overall performance and progress of a contact center, or highlight real-time problems that require the attention of a supervisor or manager. You can create as many dashboards as you need for a Wallboard. These dashboards can be displayed on any screen (for example, tablets, desktop computers, or widescreen office monitors) for private or public view, to enable you to monitor the activities related to your contact center in real time.



For additional help, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following information:

  • Web address for your portal
  • Your logon ID and password

To get started:

  1. On your browser, in the address Address bar, specify enter the wallboard Wallboard link provided by LiveVox (similar to
    The Sign in window appears.
  2. Specify Enter your user name and password, and then click Sign in.
    The Dashboard window displaying real-time reports metrics appears.
    Dashboard with Real-Time Reports

You can modify the appearance of the reports by dragging any panel within the window. You can also select to modify the number of panels in a column for upper, middle, and lower areas.  You can create a dashboard of the following types:


The Fullscreen icon (Fullscreen icon) enables you to hide the upper frame that displays the LiveVox logo and the Dashboard tab.

Configuration Panel

Modifying a Panel

Report Type



Supervisor Agent State Change

Supervisor/Agent Chat

Reporting ELements Definitions