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Versions Compared


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Comment: Reverted from v. 20

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Product Webinars
Product Webinars

Table of Contents


UI Enhacements

Object Ids with Object Names in Drop-downs

This feature provides a new option to display the object Id in drop-down lists across the voice portal.  On the GUI Settings menu select Show Object ids with Object Names in drop-downs.  When checked, all drop-down menus will show the Id of the each option listed. This option is by default unchecked. This only applies to drop-down lists where the text names and IDs are different (i.e. this is not applicable for drop-down lists such as rates, versions, etc.).

When unchecked,

When checked,

Improved Visibility of the Help Panel

Previously, on any page of the Voice Portal, users could access context-sensitive help by clicking the arrow icon on the upper right corner of the screen.


This version enhances the visibility of the help panel by changing the arrow icon to a question mark. Click on the question mark icon to access the help panel .



Contact Manager Enhancements

New System Fields in Contact Manager

Four new system fields are now available in Contact Manager:

  • Salutation
  • Description
  • Department
  • Title

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Contact Manager Imports Enhancements to Input Filter and Fields Editor

The contact import process is enhanced to provide better user experience in U10.

Fields Editor Enhancements

  • Fields Editor view is now paginated instead of a scroll

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  • Users can label each phone field in Contact Manager through Fields editor. Once labeled, it is persisted throughout the platform where ever the phone position is referred to.

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Input Filter Enhancements

  • Transformation - In this version, Transformations dynamically change based on the Data Types defined by the users in Fields editor when configuring file mapping for contact manager imports. (For example: If col1 is defined as a Number data type in Fields editor then only number related transformations are allowed in Input Filter).


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With this version,

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  • Description - Users can now utilize the new Description field to define the purpose of each column.
  • Default Value - Default Value field allows the users to write a static value for any field that is blank. This field can be utilized to define the mandatory fields used for business workflow and the value that should be stamped over it for the contact imports.

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  • Substitute Value - Users have the ability to substitute certain values during the import process to Contact Manager by configuring the Substitute Values. For example: If value is 'X' replace with 'Y'. Substitute Value supports up to 5 transformations for each column.

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  • Column Split - Users have the ability to split a column into two and store them accordingly for contact manager imports. For example: Currently, Name field is utilized in 1 column as a Full name - 'Wayne, Bruce'. Now, users can split this to store as 'First Name = Bruce, and Last Name = Wayne'.

Call Flow Editor Enhancements


List Return Support for the Phone Lookup Module

With this version, additional list return functionality within the phone lookup module provides an improved experience for customers in multi-phone match scenarios.  This offers added support for list return where there may be more than one Phone ANI match within Contacts.  This is especially helpful when the caller has more than one account.  This feature includes:

  • Up to 5 matches for the Phone lookup can be returned as a Contact match.
  • A configurable Multi-Match Prompt Phrase which can be configured to relay to the caller that there are multiple matches for their phone number.
  • A new call flow event connector for MultiMatch which can then be configured to prompt the caller to enter their account number for further validation.

The phone lookup module uses a support_multiple_records flag for backward compatibility.



New Properties Panel 

Previously, users needed to double-click on a module to view its properties.

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This version allows users to view the properties of a module in the new Properties Panel on the right side when the module is selected.

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Integration of Customer Chat

This version provides integration of the Customer Chat feature to the voice portal.  The Customer Chat feature is now integrated into the Billing tab of the Client editor.




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ACD Mode for Service Type HCI as Read-Only Field 


This version of the voice portal makes the ACD Mode option, when Service Type HCI is selected, a read-only field in the Services editor.


Service Inbound SMS & Inbound Email Message

This Inbound Email message and Inbound SMS message options are now exposed in the Settings tab of the Services editor, under Contact rules. These options select the inbound message template that will be applied to inbound email or SMS.


Normalized Custom Columns in Report Writer 

This version of the voice portal normalizes custom columns in Report writer.  Enhancements include:

  • Shows Contact instead of Account and Account Details in Table option.
  • Renamed ACCT_TRANSACTION  to Transaction.
  • Renamed ACCT_CALL_ATTEMPT_RESULTS to Interaction.


With this version,


New Values in Segmentation Editor

With this version, two new values are added under Manage Criteria setting of the Segmentation editor. Navigate to Config>Campaigns>Segmentation>Manage Criteria>Add Criteria to utilise the following fields for creating Contact source criteria:

  • Dialed in last 'x' days - Allows users to include accounts that have been dialed within a specific window, day, or within a number of days/weeks/months.

  • Dialed in last 'x' days for Livevox Result - Allows users to include accounts that have been dialed within a specific window, day, or within a number of days/weeks/months, and had a specific result. (Livevox Result drop-down is only visible for Dialed in last 'x' days for Livevox Result field).

Append Handling with Priority

Previously, records sent via the Append Campaign Record feature were prioritized based on the target service dialing sort.  Appended records generally fell into two categories:

  1. Append "normal records" to an ongoing campaign with normal priority.
  2. Append "hot records" to an ongoing campaign where Priority dialing is required immediately.

With this version, enhanced campaign append functionality is now available where the service level dialing sort can be superseded for priority record handling allowing appended campaign records to be handled with priority over existing campaign records.  


Contact client services to configure Append Handling with Priority.

Select Allow Append at the service level and campaign or campaign template levels to enable this feature. 


Call Recording Speech Analytics

This version introduces new Call Recording speech analytics which provides provide transcription and sentiment analysis after a recording is complete. This allows for post-call analysis. The Call Recording report provides a transcription which displays the customer and agent conversation. Sentiment Analysis is also provided with the new Neutral bar. The bar position displays will display the overall sentiment of the call, varying from an unsatisfying experience to a satisfying experience from left to right.

When enabled , you can users will see the Call Transcription and Sentiment Analysis options checked in the Billing tab of the Client editor.


Contact client services to enable Call Transcription and Sentiment Analysis on call recordings.


Split the Standard Call Recording Job by Call Center

This version allows users to split the standard call recording job by call center. The zip files are stored in the specific Call Center zip file. Also, password options allows users to generate password protected the zip file.


To configure, navigate Configure > Client/Service > Client editor > Jobs tab. Click on a link next to Call Recording. Users are presented with Configure Call Recording Job popup.

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Call Recording Zip file is not created for Call Centers with no recordings.



Integration of PDAS

This version now provides integration of PDAS to the voice portal. This is displayed in the Billing tab of the Client editor:

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The integration allows users to access all PDAS functions and features within the voice portal without having to open a different webpage.


Further enhancements:

  • Expired blocks under the DND tab are now retained for 60 days instead of 14 days. This allows users to better track and audit historical blocks on PDAS.
  • Users are now able to configure PDAS rules with Phone+Contact Group restrictions.
  • Rules created in PDASfor phone numbers can be associated to multiple Contact Groups.


Only Phone Numbers can be restricted with a Contact Group association.


Email/SMS Channels Configuration Fields 

This version provides enhanced Email/SMS functionality for agents. For complete setup support of Email/SMS configurations the following fields are now exposed to users.

Channels Tab

  • For any SMS Engine configurations exposed the following:
    • Authorization Key
    • Authorization Id
    • Authorization password


Each engine requires different configurations which can be configured w/ different combinations of the above.

Email Channel options:

SMS Channel options:

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Agent Inbox Multi-Channel Configuration

Previously, inbound SMS and Inbound Email were not routed to agents.  This version provides:

  • Ability to assign the unassigned/unread SMS and Email to the agent.
  • Ability to check the SMS and Email Queue for the agent.
  • Ability to reply back to the SMS or Email.
  • Ability to provide result/status to the conversation.

SMS, Email and Chat response is provided with an optional channel for agents. Agents can be assigned these channels via Agent Desktop editor.

Once assigned, agents can handle Email, SMS or Chat response so long as they log into the service wherethese messaging channels are configured to route to. 

  • Inbound Email routing is based on associating the domain to a service.
  • Inbound SMS routing is based on where the originating outbound SMS is launched from.
  • Inbound Chat routing is based on what service the Chat Routing Token is assigned to.
  • Services with SMS, Email or Chat configured, require an associated inbound Email, inbound SMS or inbound Chat Message template selected in the Settings tab of the Services editor. 


New Agent Scheduling Editor

In this version, Agent Scheduling is integrated into LiveVox Voice Portal. Clients who subscribe to Agent Scheduling can access Agent Scheduling within their LiveVox Voice Portal. Agent Scheduling editor which allows the permitted users to create shift calendars and assign agents to specific shifts. The introduction of Agent Scheduling makes the user experience smoother. The new Agent Scheduling editor is available under the Config node when enabled by the Internal LiveVox users on the billing tab of Client editor:

Navigate to Config > Agents > Agent Scheduling to access the Agent Scheduling editor:

This application includes functionality for multiple levels of users:

  • System Admin and Super Users - Sysadmin and super users have the ability to manage the agent schedule, bulk assign shifts and generate reports. They can create work calendars and shifts, assign agents to the shifts, mass assign shifts, generate shift assignment and shift reports.
  • Manager Users - Manager users have the ability to create and manage agent work schedules. They can create work calendars and shifts and assign agents to the shifts.
    • The work calendar displays both shifts and agents. Users can drag the shifts to the date cell that is specific to an agent.
    • Users can also expand the calendar to view the shift details of a specific agent for a month.
    • Users can create the following shifts:
      • Locale
      • Area
      • # of slots
      • Start and end times
      • Timezone
      • Breaks
      • Skill


