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titleTypes of Ticket Creation GraphtsCharts

You can click on the Switch Chart option to switch the graphical view of the reports, the following are the graphs charts available for you to view:

Average Tickets Created by Day of the Week

Displays the average number of tickets created each day of the week, for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on, aggregated over the selected date range. This helps identify the number of tickets created over the week's selected day and date range.

Tickets by Agent Team

Displays the tickets created by the selected agent team. This helps monitor workload distribution and performance across different teams. 

Tickets Created by Channel

It shows how many tickets were created through different communication channels, such as phone, email, or SMS. This allows managers to see the preferred methods of contact for customers.

Tickets Created by Date

Displays the number of tickets created on each specific date within the chosen range. You can view the total number of tickets and resolved tickets. This is useful for tracking daily ticket creation trends and detecting peaks.

Tickets Created by Date and Channel

Combines ticket creation data by date and communication channel, providing a detailed view of when and how tickets are generated. This helps analyze patterns in customer behavior across different channels on specific dates.

Tickets Created by Hour

Provides insights into ticket creation by hour of the day, helping to identify when customers are most likely to open tickets and whether there are any time-sensitive spikes in support requests.

Tickets Created by Month and Year

Tracks ticket creation over a longer period, displaying the total number of tickets created each month or year. This helps with year-over-year or month-over-month trend analysis. You can only select the date range for 60 days.

Tickets by Label

Displays the number of tickets associated with different labels, which can be used to categorize tickets based on specific issues, features, or departments.

Tickets by Label Component

A more granular version of the "Tickets by Label" report breaks down tickets by their label and the specific components they are associated with. This helps drill down into specific areas of concern.

Tickets by Ticket Type

Categorizes tickets based on their type (e.g., bug reports, feature requests, or general inquiries), providing insights into the nature of reported issues.

Unassigned Tickets by Date and Channel

Tracks how many tickets have not yet been assigned to an agent or team, breaking it down by date and communication channel. This helps managers address unassigned tickets quickly and ensure timely resolution.

titleFilter Criteria

You can filter the tickets to help you narrow down or sort through tickets based on specific criteria using the options provided in the filter tool. This allows agents or managers to focus on particular sets of tickets, making it easier to manage and analyze them.

  • Date Range: You can filter tickets based on a predefined period such as Today, One Week, Two Week, Three Week, One Month".
  • Custom Dates: Offers flexibility to choose specific start and end dates for filtering tickets. This is useful when analyzing tickets created or updated during a particular time frame. You can select up to 60 days.
  • Agent Teams: Filters tickets based on specific teams of agents, allowing you to see only the tickets handled by a particular group (e.g., Technical Support, Customer Service, etc.).
  • Agents: Filters tickets assigned to or created by individual agents. This helps track the workload or performance of specific agents.
  • Components: Allows filtering by specific components, such as different services or products within the system. It is helpful for larger organizations dealing with multiple offerings.
  • Labels: Filters tickets based on custom labels or tags applied to tickets. These labels could represent different categories or specific issues (For example, urgent, billing, or bug).
  • PrioritiesFilter tickets by priority levels (For example, lowmediumhigh, or critical). Helps agents focus on the most urgent or important tickets.
  • Ticket Types: Filters by the type of ticket, such as "Bug," "Feature Request," "Incident," or "Service Request." This helps categorize and manage different types of issues.
  • Time to Resolve (Hours): Allows filtering based on how long it took (or is expected to take) to resolve a ticket. This helps track tickets nearing or exceeding service level agreements (SLAs).

These filters help improve efficiency by providing a customized view of the tickets based on your specific criteria.
