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titleCreating a Form

On the Agent Desktop, you use a form to configure the template used for a ticket. 

To create a form:

  1. On the Ticketing Config window, click the Forms tab and then click New.
    The Create Form window appears.
  2. Specify the values in the following fields. 

    1. Name: Specify the name for the form.
    2. Description: Provide information about the form. This field is optional.
    3. Published: Select this checkbox if you want the form to be automatically published when it is created.

      • If you haven't selected the Publish checkbox while creating the form, you can opt to publish the form later. To publish the form at a later stage, from the Ticket Config > Forms window, select the checkbox next to the form, the Publish button is enabled, click Publish. The form is published and an icon appears in the Published column.
      • To unpublish an already published form, select the checkbox and then click Publish button. The form gets unpublished and an  icon appears in the Published column.


  3. Click Save.
    The form is created, and the Design subtab opens.

titleDesigning a Form

After the form appears in the Design tab. You can add fields, set styles, validate the length, and set conditions for the fields to appear in the form.

The following subtabs appear to add fields to the form:

  • Display: Specify the Field Type, Label, Placeholder, and Column.
  • Style: Specify the Label Color and Font Size. You can also specify whether the text should be Bold or Italic.
  • Validation: Specify the Minimum Length and Maximum Length of the field. You set the condition by choosing No, Always, and On-Conditions.
  • Conditional: You can define a condition for a field to be displayed and also set a rule as to when it must be displayed. Select the When the Form Field type, and also set the value in the Has the Value.

You add fields, labels, set the label position, create a placeholder for fields, and add columns to the form. 

To design the form:

  1. On the New Form window, click .
    The Design subtab opens.

  2. You can create either a stand-alone field or have the field to be either from Accounts, Contacts, or Tickets.

    1. You can use a field from Accounts, Contacts, or Tickets. Enable Associate to Entity option.
    2. In the Entity field, select an Entity and then select the Field for the entity from the drop-down list.


      If you select Entity, you must also add a field for the entity you have selected. For example, if you select the Entity as Accounts, then you must add fields to the Accounts entity.  


    3.  If you select the Field as Billing then in the Label text-box the Billing field appears.
    4. In the Label field, specify a name for the form.
    5. In the Label Position, select the required position from the drop-down list.
    6. Specify the Placeholder and then select Column from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Style and specify the Label Color and Font Size.


    If you want the font to be bold or italics, enable the appropriate checkboxes. If you do not select any of the options then the font will remain normal.


  4. Click the Validation tab if you have any label constraints, you can specify that the field is a mandatory field or is any based on various conditions.

  5. To specify the conditions for the fields, click the Conditions tab and specify the required conditions. 

  6. Click Save.


    You can edit the fields, move the fields up or down, and delete the fields using the following icons:.


titleViewing the Workflow History

To view all the changes made to a workflow (including its design), on the Workflows tab, double-click the workflow for which you want to view the changes, and then click the Change History subtab.
A table with the changes appears, displaying the following columns:

  • Version: Version of the workflow on which the change was made.


    If any change is made to a workflow after it is published, the version of the workflow is incremented.

  • Changed on: Date and time of the change.
  • Updated by: ID of the user who made the change.
  • Entity: Entity that was changed.

    • The value WORKFLOW indicates that the workflow was changed.
    • The value TRIGGER indicates that the design of the workflow was changed.
  • Ticket Type: Section of the workflow design that was changed.

    • The value EVENT indicates that the Involves any of these events section of the design was changed.
    • The value CONDITION indicates that the On tickets with these properties section of the design was changed.
    • The value ACTION indicates that the Perform these actions section of the design was changed.


  • Operation: Type of change made to the workflow (for example, create, update, publish, unpublish, or delete).
  • Details: Description of the change.


titleConfiguring the Screen Display

To configure the ticket display:

  1. To configure the display of the main area of a ticket:

    1. On the Screen tab, double-click the ticket type for which you want to configure the display.
      The Ticket Highlight and Ticket Detail subtabs appear for the ticket type.

    2. On the Ticket Highlight subtab, in the Available section, select the fields that you want to be displayed in the main area of a ticket, and then click the right arrow icon The selected fields appear in the Selected section.


      You can filter the fields in the Available section using the Filter box.


    3. In the Selected section, select the field that you do not want to be displayed in the main area of the ticket, and then click the left arrow icon .The selected field is removed from the Selected section, and it appears in the Available section.

    4. To define the position of a field in a ticket, in the Selected section, drag the field to the desired position. 


      The order in which the fields appear in the Selected section represents the order in which they appear in a ticket. 

    5. To modify the properties of the selected fields, in the Selected section, click the cell containing the property you want to modify, and then specify the desired property.

      • You can revert your changes by clicking Reset.
      • You can preview your changes by expanding the Preview section.
  2. To configure the display of the area on the Detail tab of a ticket, perform the previous step on the Ticket Detail subtab.


    The Group column in the Selected section represents that section on the Detail tab in which the field appears (for example, Description, General, or Scope). You can modify the value in this column by clicking the cell displaying the value and then selecting the desired section.

  3. Click Save.
    The display of the main area and the area on the Detail tab of a ticket for the selected ticket type is configured.


titleCreating a Label

You can categorize the tickets using labels. When you create a label and attach the label for the tickets, it is easier to update the tickets based on the selected labels. Each of the labels that you create is displayed as an option in the Label field of a ticket.

To create a label:

  1. On the Settings tab, in the Labels section, click New.
    The New Label window appears.


    A label is case sensitive, you have to specify the ticket using the uppercase case, number, and underscore when creating a label.


  2. In the Please enter label name field, enter a prefix for the label, and then click Save.
    The label is created, and it appears in the Labels section. This label appears as an option in the Label field of a ticket.
  • If you do not want a label to appear as an option in the Label field of a ticket form that is used by the customers then in the Labels section, in the row displaying the label, clear the Public checkbox.
  • If you want to set a label as the default value in the Label field of a ticket, in the Labels section, in the row displaying the label, select the Default option.
  • The order in which the types appear in the Labels section represents the order in which they appear in the dropdown as options in the Label field of a ticket. You can modify the position of a label by dragging the name of the label in the Labels section to the desired position.
  • In the Labels section, you can:
    • Modify the prefix, name, or description of a label by clicking the PrefixName, or Description cell in the row displaying the label and then entering the value you want.
    • Search for a label by entering the partial or complete prefix of the label in the Filter box.
    • Delete a label by hovering over the row displaying the label and then clicking the delete icon.


titleDefining Priorities and Their SLAs

The priority of a ticket indicates the level of urgency and helps you specify the work order of the tickets. 

You can define the options that appear in the Priority field of a ticket by creating ticket priorities. Each of the priorities that you create is displayed as an option in the Priority field of a ticket. By default, the following priorities are available for each ticket type: High, Medium, and Low. You can, however, modify these priorities.

You can also define the service-level agreement (SLA) limit for a ticket priority. 


You can monitor the SLA metrics on the ticket dashboard.

To create a priority and define its SLA:

  1. On the Settings tab, in the Priorities section, click New.
    The New window appears.
  2. In the Please enter priority name field, enter a name for the priority, and then click Save.
    The priority is created, and it appears in the Priorities section. 


    This priority appears as an option in the Priority field of a ticket.


  3. In the row displaying the priority, click the Icon cell, and then select the icon that you want to represent the priority.
  4. To define the service-level agreement (SLA) hours for the priority, in the row displaying the priority, click the SLA Hours cell, and then enter the desired value. 


    If you want the SLA hours to include Saturdays or Sundays, select the Include Saturday or Include Sunday checkbox, respectively.

  • If you do not want a priority to appear as an option in the Priority field of a ticket, in the Priorities section, in the row displaying the priority, clear the Public checkbox.
  • If you want to set a priority as the default priority in the Priority field of a ticket, in the Priorities section, in the row displaying the priority, select the Default option.
  • The order in which the priorities appear in the Priorities section represents the order in which they appear as options in the Priority field of a ticket. You can modify the position of a priority by dragging the name of the priority in the Priorities section to the desired position.
  • In the Priorities section, you can:
    • Modify the name of a priority by clicking the Name cell in the row displaying the priority and then entering a new name.
    • Search for a priority by entering the partial or complete name of the priority in the Filter box .
    • Delete a priority by hovering over the row displaying the priority and then clicking the delete icon.
