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The Service Efficiency Report provides detailed information regarding the performance of services, call centers, or service groups utilizing the LiveVox platform ACD by combining agent-level activity with service productivity metrics to determine the effectiveness of campaigns. Expand below to learn about options for searching and how to interpret outcomes.


This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days. LiveVox The platform may provide results for additional time frames upon request. Data can be generated up to 90 days prior. By default, all times are in UTC.


titleGenerate Report and Results:

Report columns and the sequence can be easily modified to provide you with a report view that is important to your business operation.

titleColumn Customization
  1. Click the cog icon in the upper right of the Results panel.
  2. Place a checkmark to the right of the section you want to be displayed and unchecked for those to be hidden. See below the Generate Report section for more information on available fields in the report.
  3. Re-sequence the displayed sections by selecting a column and moving it up or down using the appropriate button.
  4. Click OK to update the view.
titleGenerate Report

After choosing the search parameters, generate the report by clicking the Generate Report button to the right of the search options. The report is generated with the following distinct data categories as well as charts:


When you select Group by Interval, the totals may slightly differ due to the way the intervals are rounded.

titleAgent Productivity Time BreakDown - Time

The Agent Productivity Time BreakDown - Time section provides aggregated agent-level productivity metrics for the parameters requested within the report.

  • Date: The date the data represents
  • Agent Productive Time (Min): Total time in minutes the agents spent in an “In Call”, “Wrap Up’, or “Ready” state  
  • In Call (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were “In Call” state
  • Wrap Up (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were “Wrap Up” state
  • Ready (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were “Ready” state
  • Not Ready (Min): Total time in minutes all agents were in the “Not Ready” state

titleAgent Productivity Time BreakDown - Percent

The Agent Productivity Time BreakDown - Percent section provides aggregated agent-level productivity metrics for the parameters requested within the report.

  • In Call %: Total amount of time the agents spent “In Call” state divided by the Agent Productive Time
  • Wrap Up %: Total amount of time the agents spent in a “Wrap Up” state divided by the Agent Productive Time
  • Ready %: Total amount of time the agents spent in the “Ready” state divided by the Agents Productive Time
titleConnect Rate

The Connect Rate section provides service or call center level aggregated data.

  • Dials: Total attempted calls
  • Connects: Total number of calls connected to a live party or machine (answering machine, fax, and so on)
  • Live Connects: Total connected calls answered by a live person
  • Automated Connects: Total connected calls answered by a machine (fax or answering machine)
  • Non-Connects: Total calls not connected
  • Live Connect Rate: Live Connects divided by Dials
  • Automated Answering Machine Left Message: Total connected calls resulting in a “Machine, Left Message’” result code
  • Attempted Operator Transfers: Total calls the LiveVox system attempted to transfer to an agent
  • Successful Operator Transfers: Total number of operator transfers that successfully connected to an agent
  • Failed Operator Transfers: Total number of operator transfers that failed to connect to an agent
  • Failed Operator Transfer Rate: Failed operator transfers divided by attempted operator transfers

The Connects section distinguishes the type of connects achieved during the dialing period based on the agent-selected disposition code.

  • RPC: Payment/ PTP: Total calls with a result code of RPC with Payment Arranged
  • RPC: No Payment/ PTP: Total calls with a result code of RPC with No Payment Arranged
  • Total RPCs: Total of both RPC with Payment Arranged and RPC with No Payment Arranged result codes
  • Wrong Number: Total calls with a result code of Wrong Party Connect (WPC)
  • Non-Contacts: Total of calls coded as a Non-Contact
  • PTP Amount: Total amount of PTP dollars collected by the agents (Ex: 200.00)
titleProductivity Stats

The Productivity Stats section provides production-level productivity metrics and rates.     

  • Average Handle Time (Mins): Total amount of In Call minutes plus “Wrap Up” minutes divided by the total number of Successful Operator Transfers.
  • Outbound Dials per Hour: Total Dials divided by the Agent Productive Time in hours (Agent Productive Time Minutes divided by 60 minutes)
  • Agent Connects per Hour: Total amount of Successful Operator Transfers divided by Agent Productive Time in hours
  • RPCs per Hour: Total RPCs divided by total Agent Productive Time in hours
  • RPC Rate: Total RPCs divided by Successful Operator Transfers
  • Conversion Rate (%): Total PTPs divided by Total RPCs

The Billing section provides additional billing metrics specific to the parameters requested within the report.

  • Connection Call Mins: Total duration of connected calls displayed in minutes
  • Operator Transfer Minutes: Total duration of operator transfer calls displayed in minutes
  • Total Minutes: Total Connected Minutes plus Total Operator Transfer Minutes
  • Total Charges: Total Minutes multiplied by the Cost per Minute
  • Cost per RPC: Total Charges divided by Total RPCs

Charts available from the Service Efficiency report compare two different KPIs each over the selected period. So if the data is broken down into one-hour intervals, for instance, a bar will appear on each graph for each production hour to represent that hour's dialing information.

Additional Buttons 
  • To export the generated report, click the Export button (next to the Generate Report button) and select the required option of file type. The available options are PDF, Excel, and CSV.
  • To print the generated report, click the Print button (next to the Export button). The generated report opens in another tab. Select the details for printing the report and click the Print button.