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This section covers the Agent Desktop, which the desktop agents use when handling customer calls on the LiveVox platform ACD. This section reflects the data or information which that appears on your agent's desktop while handling a call. The agent desktop configuration is assigned at either the client or service level. Customer data (For Example, name, account number) displayed comes from your input file, while call data (e.g. phone number, inbound vs outbound) comes from LiveVoxthe platform.

titleSearch Agent Desktop List

You can use the Filter option to search for specific desktops. Filter options can include character, numerical, and special characters (_, -, *, so on) values.

titleReview Current Agent Desktops

Select an agent desktop from the Agent Desktop window.

Important settings include the following:

  • Desktop ID - LiveVox The platform assigned a unique desktop identifier code.
  • Name - Displays the name of the selected Agent Desktop.
  • Description - Displays a brief description of the selected Agent Desktop.
  • Max Conference Parties - Select from the drop-down list, the maximum number of participants that can be added by an agent into the conference (minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 10).  
  • Desktop Mode - Select the agent desktop mode from the drop-down list. Available options are:
    • Voice Agent - Allows you to configure a voice-centric agent desktop. This mode logs an agent into the voice channel with a focus on the Unified Agent Desktop.l You can select the following agent desktop options:
      • Agent Panel - Provides the single-agent panel view of the Agent Desktop.
      • Agent Panel + Extended Panel - Provides the single-agent panel with the multiple widget view of the Agent Desktop. Selecting the extended panel will display a new tab, Extended Panel.
      • Agent Panel + Designer - Provides the single-agent panel with the designer agent desktop view of the Agent Desktop. Selecting this option will display a new tab, Designer.
    • Digital Agent - Allows you to configure Email, SMS, and Chat centric agent desktop. This mode logs an agent into messaging channels with a focus on consumer digital interactions. You can select the following agent desktop options:
      • Agent Panel + Extended Panel - Provides agent desktop in full screen with extended panel widgets. Selecting the extended panel will display a new tab, Extended Panel.
      • Agent Panel + Designer - Provides agent desktop in full screen with designer panel pages. Selecting this option will display a new tab, Designer.
    • Knowledge Worker - Allows you to configure desktop for your back-office agents. When you select Knowledge Worker from the Desktop Mode drop-down list, the Agent Logged In as Ready checkbox is selected by default. This places the agents automatically in the Ready status when they log on. Agents are not required to enter an account number when initiating an interaction or enter a termination code when ending an interaction. You can select the following agent desktop options:
      • Agent Panel + Extended Panel - Provides agent desktop in full screen with extended panel widgets. Selecting the extended panel will display a new tab, Extended Panel.
      • Agent Panel + Designer - Provides agent desktop in full screen with designer panel pages. Selecting this option will display a new tab, Designer.


titleDesktop Native Tab

This tab allows you to set configurations that enable the agent's full screen to be recorded. The configurations include:


  • Native Mode - Allows you to set the native desktop mode from the available drop-down list. Options are as given below :
    • Disabled - Agent cannot log in using Agent Desktop Native (ADN)
    • Optional - Agent can use the browser or ADN to log in
    • Required - Agent can log in using only ADN
  • Update Strategy - Allows you to configure the native desktop update strategy. Options are as given below :
    • Ok - No restriction to use any version of ADN
    • Ask - If the agent has a different version installed than the one configured for the site, a pop-up prompting an update appears.
    • Force - After login, the update process gets triggered automatically, installing, and starting the new version without intervention.
  • Whitelist Addresses - Click the link to open the Whitelist addresses configuration interface that allows you to view and manage the list of all the approved IP addresses for the Desktop Native application.

Screen Recording Options (when enabled)

This section is displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive/Account Manager to request this functionality.

  • Screen Recording  - When selected, allows the agents to record their full screen.
  • Framerate (FPS) - Allows you to set the number of frames displayed per second for a video. The available options are 10, 20, 30.
  • Format - The screen recording video format is webm. WebM is an open media file format designed for the web. 
  • Days of Screen Recordings - Allows you to configure the number of days the screen recordings are hosted on the platform. The available options are: 3, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 180.


    If the Days of Screen Recordings is selected as Select One (Null) for the particular Desktop, then the client level Days of Screen Recordings is applied to that particular Desktop for screen recording.

  • Bitrate (kbps) - Allows you to set the number of bits that are conveyed per unit of time (kilobytes per second) for the screen recording video. The available options are: 128, 256, 512, 1024. The default option is 128 kbps.

Desktop Native Commands

  • Desktop Native Commands Enabled - When enabled, this feature provides the ability to setup .Net and URL push. 

When Desktop Native Commands Enabled checkbox is selected, the agent de sktop opens in the same browser page and not as a pop-up window.

 Once enabled, you can add, delete, move up, and move down the data entry by using Add, Delete, Move Up, and Move Down buttons. You can also update the data entry by double-clicking on the data entry row. For detailed information, see the Agent Desktop - Desktop Native Tab section of the Administrative User Guide

titleAssociated Entities Tab

 The Associated Entities tab displays the entities (Client, Call Centers, Services) that have the selected agent desktop assigned.

    • Name - The descriptive name of the Service or Client.
    • Type - Displays the object type the Desktop is associated to, whether a Service or a Client.


titleExtended Panel Tab (when enabled)

The Extended Panel tab allows users to configure the extended panel widgets of the selected Agent Desktop.

    • Support Expression - Allows you to create or link dynamic fields within the URL using the Expression Builder window.
    • Layout - Allows you to select a display style of the Unified Agent Desktop (UAD) widgets on the agent desktop.
      • Tiles - Displays UAD widgets in tiles format on the agent desktop.
      • Tabs - Displays UAD widgets in tabs format on the agent desktop.
    • Stateless Panel - Allows configuring the widgets such a way that they appear on the extended panel independent of the Agent state.

 The available widgets are:  

    • Custom Panel - Custom Panel widget is used to invoke external URLs within the agent desktop.
    • API V2 - Allows users to configure API responses and display them on the agent desktop.
    • Contact Notes - Allows an agent to determine what action or notes have been written by previous agents who worked the account.
    • Contact History - Displays all contact history on agent desktop for the account.
    • Title Bar - Title Bar widget gives an agent the ability to upload their own avatar and view the Client’s Logo.
    • Time Distribution - Time Distribution widget gives an agent a visual view of their productivity for the day.
    • Term Code Distribution - Term Code Distribution gives an agent a visual view of the current work day’s call results.
    • Agent Productivity - Allows an agent to view the information in graphical and tabular form. This information represents the productivity of agents on Call, Ready, or Not Ready event. 
    • Contact Details - Allows you to configure contact information, Email, and SMS mode for the agent desktop which enables the agents to get details of a contact, add or edit contact information, and send Emails and SMS. When sending emails agents are able to send up to 5 attachments per email with a max of 2MB per attachment. Agents are able to preview PDF attachments with a built-in preview feature.  
    • Contact List -  Allows agents to search and open contact details, dial, send SMS (for cell phone numbers only) or email (if configured) from the desktop.

Any phone number that is less than 10 digits and greater 11 digits displays as Null on the agent desktop. This prevents invalid phone numbers from being presented to the agent for dial attempt.

    • Credit Card Basic - Allows you to configure message prompts (Credit Card Text, Expiry Text, and Security Text) and credit card types. This widget gives an agent ability to initiate the Credit Card data collection after reading the configured message prompt to the individual customer.
    • Check Basic - Allows to configure message prompts (Check Routing Text and Check Account Text). This widget gives an agent ability to initiate the Check data collection after reading the configured message prompt to the individual customer.
    • Credit Card Advanced - Allows you to set Message, Payment Gateway, and Advanced configuration. This widget gives an agent ability to initiate the Credit Card data collection after reading the configured message prompt to the individual customer and specify the customer demographic as well as payment arrangements.
    • Check Advanced - Allows to set Message, Payment Gateway, and Advanced configuration. This widget gives an agent ability to initiate the Check data collection after reading the configured message prompt to the individual customer and specify the customer demographic as well as payment arrangements.
    • Highlight Widget - Allows you to configure account fields that will be displayed at the top of the extended panel of agent desktop when the agent is in Incall, Ready, and Not Ready states. You can configure up to six different account fields for each agent state (Incall, Ready, and Not Ready).

To add a new widget, select the widget, and click Add. The Add screen appears. Specify all the details, and click OK to add the widget.

The Active Widgets screen displays all the added widgets.

    • ID - Displays the ID of the widget.
    • Widget Name - Displays the name of the widget.
    • Title - Displays the title of the widget.
    • Enabled - Displays the status of the added widget (enabled or not). If the widget is enabled, it will be displayed on the agent desktop.

To delete the added widget, select the widget and click Delete .

To edit the widget details, double-click the widget. The Edit-Widget screen appears. You can edit the following details:

    • Window Title
    • Enabled checkbox
    • Config details

Click OK to save the changes.


You can configure the order of widgets by selecting the Stateless Panel checkbox, and Tabs as Layout option. To change the order of widgets, select the widget, and click the Move Up or Move Down button.

To learn more about Active Widgets from the User Guide, see Agent Desktop.

titleDesigner Tab (when enabled)

The Designer tab allows you to configure the designer desktop which can be assigned to the required Agent Desktop. 

Designer Desktop - Select a required designer desktop from the drop-down to assign to the selected agent desktop and click Save. Clicking on the refresh icon will provide the list of available designer desktops.

Click the arrow next to Refresh to display the Sign-in screen in the new Designer tab. Specify the credentials provided by the permitted administrative users to configure Designer functionality.

The designer desktop is configurable under the Agent Panel + Designer option in the Agent Panel column.

Perform the following steps to navigate to the Designer desktop:

  1. Double-click and open the Agent Panel + Designer option.
  2. Click the Designer tab.
  3. Select the existing designer desktop from the Designer Desktop drop-down list.
  4. Click the Arrow to navigate the designer desktop to another window.
For more information, see the U-CRM Agent Desktop section in the Product Documentation
  1. .
titleMessagebook Tab

A messagebook is a list of prerecorded audio messages and/or predefined text messages that your agents can use when interacting with your customers (for example, when playing a message to a customer while the agent is on mute, sending a transactional email or SMS message, or responding to an inbound email or SMS message). Such template messages can ensure that your messages are consistent and adhere to your business standards. 

The Messagebook tab enables you to define which voice, email, and SMS messages are available for your agents to use for the selected Agent Desktop. 

If a messagebook is created for an Agent Desktop, the agents who log on to that Agent Desktop can view the list of template messages added to the messagebook, and they can select an appropriate message to play or send to a customer. 

  • If a messagebook is created for an Agent Desktop, your agents can still use free-form messages to interact with your customers.
  • If a messagebook is not created for an Agent Desktop, your agents can still use free-form messages to interact with your customers.
  • Messagebook is not available for the following types of services:
    • 10-Digit Manual with Transfer (10DMT)
    • Human Call Initiator (HCI)
    • Human Text Initiator (HTI)
    • Manual
    • Preview All
  • Before you create a messagebook for calls, ensure that the Messagebook Enabled checkbox on the General tab of the Agent Desktop window is selected. This checkbox, if selected, displays the messagebook button on the Agent Desktop for calls.

To create a messagebook:

  1. In the Agent Desktop window, select and double-click the Agent Desktop for which you want to create a messagebook.
  2. On the Messagebook tab, click Add.
    The Select Messagebook window appears.


    The Message field displays only the deployed messages that are assigned to the following types of standard contact flows (that is, standard contact flows whose names begin with the following text):

    • Email
    • Messagebook (corresponds to the voice channel)
    • SMS

  3. In the Message field, select the message that you want to add to the messagebook.


    The Contact Flow field displays the name of the contact flow to which the selected message is assigned.

  4. Click OK.
    The messagebook is created, and the selected message appears in the table on the Messagebook tab.


    You can add multiple messages to a messagebook by using the Add button.

  5. Click Save Agent Desktop.
    The messagebook is available on the selected Agent Desktop.


    On the Agent Desktop:

    • When agents are on a call, they can play those messages to your customers that are assigned to the Messagebook standard contact flow on the Messagebook tab.
    • When agents want to send or respond to an email, they can use the messages that are assigned to the Email standard contact flow on the Messagebook tab.
    • When agents want to send or respond to an SMS,  they can use the messages that are assigned to the SMS standard contact flow on the Messagebook tab.
  • You can view the details of a message by using the View Message button. Through the Messages window that appears when you click the button, you can also listen to, validate, build, and test the message (call, email, and SMS).  For more information, see the Message Settings section of the Administrative User Guide.
  • You can define the order in which the messages in a messagebook appear to your agents for selection by using the Move Up or Move Down button.
  • You can delete messages by using the Delete button. 
  • To save all your changes, in the Agent Desktop window, click Save.
