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The Schedule window allows you to create, copy, and edit schedule details.

  • To search for a specific Schedule, use Image Added.
  • To view information about only active schedules, select the Active Only checkbox.
  • To refresh the list, click Image Added.
titleAdding Schedules

To add new schedules:

  1. On the schedules window, click Image Added.
  2. On the Properties tab, specify the Name and Description.
  3. Toggle the Active button to make the schedule active.
  4. Select the Manager for approvalsto approve tasks for the schedule using Image Added.
  5. Select the Call Centerto associate the schedule with a specific call center using Image Added.
  6. Select the Service from the drop-down menu to associate the schedule to a specific service.
  7. Select the Work Area for the schedule in the Area field. You can choose the area that you created under WFO > Workforce Management > Configuration > Areas.
  8. In the Color field, you can choose to assign a color to a schedule to distinguish between multiple schedules.
  9. Select the Start time of the schedule using Image Added.
  10. Select the End time of the schedule using Image Added.
  11. Select the Allow breaks checkbox to define the break time duration for the schedule.
    1. Select the Break duration from the drop-down menu.
  12. Define the Schedule of the schedule:
    1. Select the Start date and End date.
    2. Select specific days of the week.

  13. Select the Agent Skills for the schedule you are creating. Select the skills from the Available column and move to the Selected column.
  14. Click Image Added.
titleConfiguring Scheduling Constraints

You can use the fields in the Scheduling Constraints tab to define parameters such as the agent's minimum shift duration, maximum shift duration, minimum time between shifts. To configure scheduling constraints:

  1. Click theScheduling Constraintstab.
  2. Specify values in the following fields:

    Agent's minimum schedule duration (in minutes)Enter the minimum schedule duration for an agent. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Agent's maximum schedule duration (in minutes)

    Enter the maximum schedule duration for an agent. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.

    Agent's minimum minutes between schedule Enter the minimum duration that you want to provide between schedules.
    Maximum number of hours per day for an agent

    Enter the maximum number of hours per day that can be assigned to an agent.

    Maximum hours per week for an agent

    Enter the maximum number of hours per week that can be assigned to an agent.
    Number of minutes after a schedule starts that the first break can be scheduledEnter the number of minutes after a schedule starts that the first break can be scheduled. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Number of minutes before a schedule ends that the last break can be scheduledEnter the number of minutes after a schedule ends that the last break can be scheduled. The minimum value for this field is 15 minutes.
    Meal break details
    Is a meal break required?

    Use the toggle button to select if a meal break is required.

    How many minutes does a person need to be scheduled for to be eligible for a break?Enter the duration for which an agent needs to be scheduled on the job to be eligible for a meal break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    What is the duration of the break?Duration of the meal break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    Is the meal break paid?Whether the meal is paid for by the company.
    Break details
    Is a break required?Select an option to provide details of the break.
    How many minutes does a person need to be scheduled for to be eligible for a break? Enter the duration for which an agent needs to be scheduled on the job to be eligible for a break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    What is the duration of the break?Duration of the break. The value automatically gets converted to hours and displayed. 
    Is the break paid?Whether the break is paid for by the company.
    Number of minutes between meals and/or breaksEnter the gap between meals or breaks. 
    Maximum number of employees on break at one timeSelect how many agents can be on a break at one time.
    Average agent hourly costCost incurred for an agent per hour (in $)
  3. Click Image Added.
titlePublishing a Schedule

To publish a schedule:

  1. Double-click the name of the schedule that you want to publish. The details of the schedule are displayed.  
  2. Click Image Added.


  1. On the WFO tab, go to Workforce Management > Schedules
  2. Select the Schedule you want to publish and click Image Added.
titleEditing a Schedule

To edit a schedule:

  1. Double-click the name of the schedule that you want to modify. The details of the schedule are displayed.  
  2. Make the necessary changes and click Image Added.
titleCopying a Schedule

To copy a schedule:

  1. Select the schedule that you want to copy and click Image Added. The Copy Schedule window is displayed.
  2. Specify the details of the new schedule.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the new schedule from the list of schedules and edit it to make the necessary changes. 
titleDeleting a Schedule

To delete a schedule:

  1. Double-click the name of the schedule that you want to delete. The details of the schedule are displayed.  
  2. Click Image Added.
  3. Click OK to confirm.


  1. Select the schedule you want to delete and click Image Added.
  2. Click OK to confirm.