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titlePhone Numbers
  • Phone to TTS – The number used in answering machine messages for text to speech (TTS).
  • Operator Phone – The number used when dialing using extensions rather than DIDs. For Manual Services, the Operator Phone will act as the Caller ID. 
  • Inbound Message -The message associated with the inbound service.
  • Agent Call In Number – The number agents are prompted to dial when using Agent at Ready ACD mode to establish audio pathway to LiveVox. An 899 indicates VoIP. On a manual service a blank Agent Call In Number will result in LiveVox calling agents; if populated, agents will call into LiveVox. Clicking on the link next to this option will open Agent Call In Number Configuration screen to view the Agent Call In number or Agent Call In Number Group, depending on the option which is selected. 


    For international number dialing, the values in the Caller ID, Phone Number to TTS, Operator Phone and Agent Call In Number fields must be in the E.164 format. Phone numbers without a country code are validated using the Dialing Country of Origin field in the Client editor and treated as non-international numbers.

  • Caller ID Package ID – Allows user to select a CID package from the drop down list. The Caller ID packages can consist of Local CID, Toll Free numbers or a combination of both. Clicking on the link next to the Caller ID - Package ID drop down menu will open the CID Package section.
  • Voicemail - When checked, it allows callers to leave a voicemail for a group with a corresponding contact flow using the VM module via Contact Flow Engine.
  • PIN - PIN is required to access group voicemail (digits only).
  • Caller ID List – Displays the phone numbers that will appear on call recipient’s Caller ID display. Set the default phone number by double-clicking in Default column and selecting Yes option. Add new number using the Add Caller ID button and delete existing number using the Delete Caller ID button. Campaigns using CID (Caller ID) or File-Based caller ID will not use this number.
    • Outbound calls can be configured with customized CNAM (Caller NAMe) information (the alphanumeric description displayed on the Caller ID interface for consumers (or businesses)). This field supports 15 printable ASCII characters (A-Z, 0-9).
  • Inbound Phone - Inbound phone section will be displayed only if the inbound service was selected from the Services drop-down. This section allows to search for and view inbound phone numbers and their mappings.
    • Filter: Filter option will filter the search result by City, Inbound Number, or State.
    • Number Type: Number Type will filter the search result by Agent at ready in, Agent Direct Line, Callback, Caller ID, Extension, Group voice mail, Inbound, Other, and Personal voice mail.
    • Emergency Service Activation Status: Allows you to search the phone numbers based on their emergency service activation status.  Select a status from the drop-down list and click the search icon.
    • Search By: Options available are Starts With, Contains, Ends With, Regex.
    • Status: Select between Active and Inactive Status and click the search icon to get the search result accordingly.
    • LCID Package: Allows user to select a CID package from the drop-down list. The package contains a list of caller ID numbers, any one of which is designed to be displayed on a call recipient’s caller ID.
    Double-clicking on the inbound phone number row opens the Edit Phone screen which allows you to update the Description, Direct Line for Agent, Number Usage, State, City, and Status of the inbound phone number. Edit Phone screen also shows associated entities with the package. Use filter option to specify the search according to Agent (Audio Path), Agent Call In Group, Agent Phonebook, LCID Package, Message, or Service (Caller ID Pool).
    To re-assign Caller ID packages to a different Inbound Service click the Associate Service button. This opens the Associate Service screen. Select the inbound phone number row and click Disassociate Service to disassociate services from a number. The record you selected will be highlighted in green. Once you select Save, the record is removed.
titlePreview Settings

Agent Preview Settings tab will only be visible only if the Service Type is 'Preview All (Preview)' or 'Preview All (API Enabled).

  • Preview Mode - Allows to enable preview all option and force agent's acknowledgment before launching a call.
  • Preview Manual Allowed - Allows agents to dial a 10 digit number manually on a Preview call.
  • Preview Timeout - The number of seconds an agent has to confirm, manually enter (if enabled) or skip an account, while in preview before the Preview Default Action occurs.
    Preview Skip Allowed - Allows agent to skip an account in preview and move to the next account. The preview default action of Skip can still occur when agent skip ability is disabled.
  • Preview Confirm Dial - Allows to control the level of human intervention required before the call is launched. Available options from the drop-down include:
    • Select One - Single click confirmation
    • Dial Button - Secondary confirmation of the number
    • 10 Digit Entry - 10 digit manual entry
  • Preview Auto Completion - Agents are presented with the next account once all loaded numbers from the previous account have been dialed. The Preview Manual Allowed must be enabled to disable this feature.


LVP supports the E.164 format for the international outbound Preview dialing service,


View and select the preferred routing method being service, service groups or agent teams.

 Routing tab will not be displayed if the ACD mode option No Acd is selected on the General Tab.
titleService Routing

 Calls are routed to the agents assigned directly to this service receive the calls when Services is selected as preferred routing.

titleService Group

 Calls are routed to the agents assigned to the services associated with the service group when Service Group is selected as preferred routing.

titleAgent Team

 Calls are routed to the agents within the agent teams when Agent Teams is selected as preferred routing.

Using the cog icon in the upper right-hand corner, you can specify which attributes to display. You can search for specific entries using a text entry in the Search for tool or by using the Filter menu and selecting search using the magnifier icon. Options available under Filter:

  • Active: Agents with a check in the Active box (may log in).
  • All: Every agent regardless of active/inactive/locked status.
  • Inactive: Agents without a check in the Active box (may NOT log in).
  • Locked: Agents that entered an incorrect password in excess of the site's configured limit (may NOT log in).
  • Agent Team: Agents assigned to a specific agent team.
