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You can reduce the time that agents take to respond to chat messages by storing common chat messages that can be sent to customers as quick responses (predefined responses). Quick responses ensure that the messages sent by the agents are consistent and adhere to your business standards.  A Quick Responsebook is a group of quick response messages.


An agent can modify a quick response to make the response more personalized for the conversation.

You can associate a Client client or an Agent Desktop with a Quick Responsebook.  The messages from a Quick Responsebook associated with a Client client are available to all agents. The messages from a Quick Responsebook associated with an Agent Desktop are available to only the agents using that Agent Desktop. 

  • To associate an Agent Desktop with a Quick Responsebook: In the Agent Desktop window, on the General tab, in the Quick Responsebook field, select the Quick Responsebook.
  • To associate a Client client with a Quick Responsebook: In the Client window, on the Settings tab, in the Quick Responsebook field, select the Quick Responsebook.


titleAdding a Message to a Quick Responsebook

You can add multiple messages to a Quick Responsebook.

To add a message (quick response) to a Quick Responsebook:

  1. In the Quick Responsebook window, double-click the row displaying the Quick Responsebook.
    The Edit Quick Responsebook window appears.
  2. On the Quick Responses tab, click Add.
    The Edit Response window appears.
  3. Specify values in the following fields:
    • Name: A name to identify the message (for example, Greeting). 
    • Text: The message to be displayed to the customer (for example, How may I help you?).
    • Shortcut: A word that, if entered by an agent, displays the entire message for selection (for example, hello). It The Shortcut field is a mandatory field.


      Agents use the Shortcut field to identify, sort, and search for quick responses on the Agent Desktop. 

    • Is the message active: The status of the message. If you want the message to be available as a quick response on an Agent Desktop, select the Is the message active checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
    The message is added to the Quick Responsebook, and it appears on the Quick Responses tab.
