SmartReach Contact Center for Salesforce allows agents to access voice call functionality using a SmartReach Agent Panel within the Salesforce browser window. The application offers the following functionality:

  • Click-To-Dial: Agents can click a phone number within Salesforce, which causes a call to launch to the phone number from the SmartReach Agent Panel.
  • Manual Dial: Agents can type a phone number into the SmartReach Agent Panel to initial a manual call.
  • Inbound Calls: Agents can receive inbound calls through the SmartReach Agent Panel. If the SmartReach Agent Panel is minimized when the inbound call arrives, the agent sees a notification that there is an incoming call. A phone search is initiated in Salesforce for the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) of the caller.
  • Call Activity Logs: Call that connect to an agent create a call event record in Salesforce. Agents can associate the call event with activities, contacts, leads, cases, and other Salesforce records. 

For additional information, see Contact Center for Salesforce