The Quota Management feature is an enhancement to the SmartReach Voice product that enables you to designate rules for your campaigns. Depending on your campaign goals or limitations, using Quota Management, you can restrict your campaign as follows:
Simple Quota: A single limit that designates the number of calls to be made in the campaign. This quota applies to all records in the campaign. When the limit is reached, campaign dialing is stopped.
Single-Tier Quota: A quota that groups records into specific groups and applies a threshold to each group.
Multi-Tiered Maximum Quota: Similar to the Single-Tier Quota but the Multi-Tiered Quota has more than one condition that stops campaign dialing. The threshold of calls is specified for each group; however, a maximum threshold is specified for the total number of calls.
Multi-Tiered Minimum Quota: Similar to the Multi-Tiered Maximum Quota but the Multi-Tiered Minimum Quota has a minimum condition rather than a maximum condition. A threshold of calls is specified for each group; however, in addition, a minimum threshold is specified for the overall number of calls to be made.