Attempt Supervisor provides automatic contact attempt controls that ensure contact compliance across multiple channels (voice, email, and SMS). Using Attempt Supervisor, you can configure controls that cannot be overridden, which eliminates the possibility of agent error. Attempt Supervisor lets you automatically minimize the risk of compliance errors across both internal and outsourced operations with simple, centralized controls. You can configure contact attempts using Attempt Supervisor's web-based user interface and set controls based on a number of requirements at both the phone and account levels. These control settings include location (zip code and area code) and time duration (minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months). You can also create exclusion lists, individual changes, and audit and tiered access controls.
Attempt Supervisor enables you to do the following:
Set the maximum attempts/penetration at the account or account plus phone level.
Override strategies defined in the SmartReach portal to set dialing limitations for compliance.
Set dialing limits available at the client, call center, service, or state level.
Select settings based on the result codes or specific phone field of the SmartReach input file.
Apply to manual, Human Call Initiator (HCI), automated Quick Connect (QC), Right Party Connect (RPC), and Preview-All services.
Use a separate interface from the operations SmartReach portal configuration.