Page tree

Fields from the input file that should be displayed on the agent desktop must be stored in translatable DB fields or utilize the set_extra_from_multiple_source transformation to pack multiple non-translated fields into a translatable field. Instructions for setting up a transformation or confirming certain fields that can be displayed can be found in the create transformation section. In order to display non-translatable fields you must unpack the single field and choose the position it was stored in. To utilize this transformed field:

  1. Click the Add button from the ScreenPop tab. 
  2. You will be presented with the Add Entry screen. Click on the Key drop-down list and select your field.
  3. Assign a Display Name (what will show on agent's desktop).
  4. Choose Delimiter as | Vertical bar
  5. Select Position and type in the numerical location of your specific field within the transformed DB location where the first position begins at 0 and increments from there.
    For example, in the transformed group:
    CUSTOM_1,CUSTOM_2,CUSTOM_3,CUSTOM_4,CUSTOM_5,CUSTOM_7,CUSTOM_8; the CUSTOM_1 is position 0; CUSTOM_2 is position 1; CUSTOM_3 is position 2; CUSTOM_4 is position 3 and so on.
  6. Click the Save Agent Desktop button from the bottom of the screen.
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