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Creating a Policy

To create a policy:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Dialing Config > Profiles.
    The Profiles window appears.
  2. In the Dialing Profiles field, select the profile for which you want to create a policy. 
  3. On the General tab, click Add Policy.
    The Add Policy window appears.
  4. Select the region (country, state, and/or area code).

    • If an area code is not selected, the policy is applied to all known area codes for the state. To set the dialing restriction for a country, you must create a policy for each state within the country.
    • Currently, only North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) numbers are supported by LiveVox services.
  5. Select the day, weekday, or weekend.
  6. If required, select a start time and an end time between which you want the dialing to be allowed. 

    The values must represent the Eastern Time, in the 24-hour time format.

  7. If required, select the Do Not Dial or Do Not Leave Messages checkbox. 

    If you select either checkbox, the Start Time and End Time fields do not require a value.

  8. Click Ok.
    The policy appears on the General tab in green.
  9. Click Save Profile.
    The policy is created.

Dialing profiles allow you to restrict dialing the toll-free numbers when creating policies. All the available toll-free area codes are grouped as the Toll Free option in the State field when the value United States of America is selected in the Country field. By default, these toll-free numbers are enabled for dialing. To disable dialing them, select the Do Not Dial checkbox when creating or modifying a policy.

Modifying a Policy

To modify a policy:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Dialing Config > Profiles.
    The Profiles window appears.
  2. In the Dialing Profiles field, select the profile containing the policy that you want to modify.
  3. On the General tab, double-click the row displaying the policy that you want to modify.
    The Edit Policy window appears.
  4. Modify the values in the fields.

  5. Click Ok.
  6. In the Profiles window, click Save Profile.
    The policy is modified.

The default dialing window for the states having split time zones is set by LiveVox; however, any changes made to the policies involving those states and time zones overwrite the default settings.

Deleting a Policy

A deleted policy cannot be restored.

To delete a policy:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Dialing Config > Profiles.
    The Profiles window appears.
  2. In the Dialing Profiles field, select the profile containing the policy that you want to delete.
  3. On the General tab, select the row displaying the policy that you want to delete, and then click Delete Policy.
  4. In the Profiles window, click Save Profile.
    The policy is deleted from the profile.

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