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The Inbound Service Monitor panel displays the following Inbound statistics at the service level. The data is updated every minute based on rolling intervals.


  • Service level (20 seconds) - The percentage of inbound calls that are answered or abandoned within a defined time threshold. A customizable Service Level target threshold is supported at both the client and service levels. This option is set up in Client/Services Editor > Settings > KPI Settings > Service level seconds.
  • Abandon Rate -  (Failed Operator Transfers / Operator Transfers)*100.
  • Average Handle Time (mm:ss) - Total Handle Time / Successful Operator Transfers.

Service Average:

  • Average Abandon Time (mm:ss) -  Avg Hold Duration for Failed Operator Transfers (Hold Duration for Abandon Calls / Failed Operator Transfers).
  • Average Speed of Answer (mm:ss) - Hold Duration / Operator Transfers.
  • Average Talk Time (mm:ss) - Total Talk Time / Successful Operator Transfers.
  • Average Hold Time (mm:ss) - Total Hold Time / Total Calls Handled
  • Average WrapUp Time (mm:ss) -  Total Wrapup time / Total Calls Handled

Service Totals

  • Calls Offered - Total attempted transfers to agents.
  • Calls Abandoned - Total calls dropped before being connected to an Agent.
  • Calls Handled - Total calls successfully transferred to an agent.
  • Calls Answered Within SL - Total calls answered within the service level threshold.

Agent Totals

  • Agents Logged In - Total number of agents logged into the inbound service.
  • Agents in Call - Total number of agents in call status logged into the inbound service.

The cog button allows you to update the time interval on the displayed statistics (Customize Service Monitor Grid screen). The default view displays the daily, last 30-minute, last 60-minute, and last 120-minute statistics.

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